Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Wow, we haven't blogged in like 2 weeks....

I guess I will post this message up then.

This is a reminder that this week is a double YAC EVENT!! That means that there will be YAC on FRIDAY, and there will be YAC on SATURDAY!! So make sure you come out to both! And bring your FRIENDS!! especially for the Saturday Yac event because Rev. Powell is coming back to speak to us!! WOOOHOOO!!!

Friday starts at 7:30pm (Regular van pickup and drop off)

Saturday starts at 6:30pm at the church or 7:00pm at South E Free (Just East of Macleod Tr on 39th Ave), and tell your parents to pick you guys up at church at 9:45 because there will be no van ride home on Saturday!!!

Can you guys name a time where you had an awesome worship experience??


United "What the World Will Never Take"


Anonymous said...

well, awesome worship experience..well..if you're talking about singing...not really, cant think of any that is extra special or anything...
in terms of everything else...hmmm...gotta think on that...

Anonymous said...

Doesn't have to be singing...just an awesome time you had with God.

Anonymous said...

perhaps when rev payne did a short prayer for me as he walked around praying for a lot of the youth...

curious, if you all know who this is?

Anonymous said... cut me off there...or yea

Anonymous said...

Of course we know who you are...

the question you know who you are??? hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

where's everybody else...that should be posting too... ><