Thursday, June 29, 2006


Hey Guys,

This week is a campfire so please be at the church at 6:00. There will be no van pick-up. Please bring your friends and dress appropriately.

Also, Calvin and David have a special presentation to show you guys after the campfire, so make sure you come out to see their "Presentation"

Campfire at 6:00 at church!! See you guys later!


Anonymous said...

and make sure you save room in your stomach after the campfire and during our "presentation"....who knows what nasty *coughbugscough* stuff you might end up eating....i mean...candy..yes...candy.....

Geo said...

candy? cough candy? I think you need it more than me, thanks

Havok said...

thanks for doing the video Calvin and David! :)

Anonymous said...

no problem, too bad it wasnt exactly camp promotion like you all thought and wanted...but yeaa...

Havok said...

i never thought or wanted that....:P it was fine :P

Anonymous said...

alright, it was just when i got there at 4:30 to help set up for camp fire, leo and sarah both thought it was camp promo and since it wasnt they werent as happy, so we did more promoing afterwards

Leo said...


it was excellent!

Good job guys!!

Geo said...

If it makes you feel better... I never thought it was supposed to be a camp promo. :P But then again... I never really did think about it again after David told me that one time, lol. :P