Thursday, May 25, 2006

So Long Suckers!

Well goodbye to the group of you going to YC and I'm praying for you guys to be touched by God and to have a safe trip there and back!

As for the rest of us, we'll be meeting at our usual time for "Something Fun" being led by our guest leaders--YAC leaders of the past--Sam and Jackson! Come prepared at 7:30pm! Bring your friends!

Wait, back to the YC thing...when you guys get back, how about posting something here about how YC was? Please don't just say "it was good"...we know it is good, but why is it good? I've been to 4 different YCs in my lifetime and God has shown me soemthing throughout each one! So when you guys are back, let us know here what God has shown you/is showing you! Your story could be a great encouragement to all those who read!

A'ight...that's it for now! Payce!



Anonymous said...

first, how was the weekend at church..with the leak and all...heard yac/kfc cancelled? sunday service?
and yc was...bad..haha was good....that is all good bye...

Anonymous said...

well it was actually very tiring...with 5 hours of sleep each night...but it was a good experience...i think i was spoken to it had nothing to do with any of the sermons...which i do not wish to say publicly...ask on an individual basis...
it was lots of fun...mainly with me and david acting like idiots hahahahahhahahahahahhaa!!!!!

so how many books in the bible?
say 66
how many parts to the bible?
say 2
what's the first part called?
say old testament
how many books in the old testament?
say 39
what's the second part called?
say new testament
how many books in the new testament?
say 27
etc...(you might not get this if you werent at yc..)

Havok said...

haha Priscilla told me about that...sweet!

Geo said...

YAC was not cancelled. There was a miscommunication there... KFC was cancelled due to a 'cluttering' of their facilities, not purely from flooding. And YAC was great... brings back all the great memories from an era long past, hehe... though possibly coming back. :P

AND the flooding was interesting. Especially if you were there sweeping on the roof for 2 hours in the rain. But you'll be able to smell it come Friday and see some of it. Carpet was cleaned today, so that should be fine, but you'll see the dry-wall damage.

lito_e said...

stupid calvin stole mine.. so i guess i'll talk about something esle.. well i learned that even through the hard times god will always be by your side even if you have given up and also i know if you ask god to put things in his hands thats a burden to you he will, i came back as a changed person and i hope that forever i will stay changed please pray for me but anyways i realized that you gotta put your old life in the past to start a new one god will always forgive you.. YC was okay overall but i mean LAST year was amazing.. haha and I LOVE TAIT anyways hope some of the youngen's can make it out to YC next year.

Leo said...

YC was crazy!
Having all those YAC running around...especially that Calvin...what a TROUBLEMAKER!!

I absolutely had a blast with the people this year. Through this weekend, I learned that God is totally changing the youth and speaking to them in different ways, but each way is lighting a spark. The highlight for me was Chris Tomlin. I didn't really have high expectations for him, but his worship was AWESOME. It was sorta Michael W. Smith - esque, but it was 10 times better!!

Did anyone else think the lead singer from the Newsboys looked like Imhotep from The Mummy? Hahahaha

Can I get a Je-sus!

Anonymous said...

yea, Chris Tomlin was great!!