Monday, February 13, 2006

How's your Heart Doing?

Hey guys and gals! How's it going? I hope you're all have a great week! Below is a Devotion that was mailed to me today and I thought I'd post it for you all to read! Let me know what you think!


“I said to the LORD, "You are my Master! All the good things I have are from you.” Psalm 16.2 (NLT).

That verse totally expresses the feeling inside my heart right now! I know life is not always easy, but recently God has been working on my heart and I can confidently declare, “LORD, You are my Master! All the good things I have are from you.”

Our heart’s condition is very important. Proverbs 4.23 (NLT) says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do.” The heart is important to God because that’s where our emotions and feelings lie. When Jesus comes into our life, He transforms our heart. He takes all the bad things out and puts in His love, joy and peace instead. He takes out the bitterness, hate, grudges, negativity, and all those bad things. Some issues take longer than others to be changed, but when God works in your heart good things are happening! He changes the way we look at things in life. When we get our inside world (our heart/mind) put right, it’s easier to see God in the outside world.

Since I’ve said to Jesus, “You are my Master!” I’ve received only good things from Him. Moreover, all the good things I’ve ever received have come from Him. Everyday He gives me new gifts. Even when problems come my way, I can stand still and praise Him, because I know He will turn them into positives (see Romans 8.28). Ask Jesus to be your Master today and receive all the good stuff He has for you!

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